Tuesday, 12 February 2013

henna tattoos finished - happy dance!

Well, hello! Today`s a big day for several reasons:
  1. I`ve just discovered why I couldn`t format my posts in the past: I was in HTML mode, not Compose - DOH! Well, we shall see the difference now (hopefully).
  2. I`ve finished the henna tattoos, YAY! They`ll be in Gold 103, which is the May?/June? issue but until then, here`s a sneak peek:

I hope I`m not breaking any rules here by revealing some big surprise... I just wanted to show how relatively small and "simple" they are - you wouldn`t think that with all the backstitch in one/two strand(s), gold metallic thread, 225 French knots and 136 beads, they each took about 30 hours to stitch. Oh, and from the brownish main colour I`ve used 5 and a half skeins...
However, the main thing is that they`re done now and I`m just back from the post office so they`re on their way to the magazine. Talking about the PO: why is it that when you see something funny, there`s never anyone with you to discuss it with? I, again, ended up giggling by myself like a moron when I saw this: a bunch of 2013 calendars, with this hand-written post-it sign above them, "All calanders buy one get one free". Now, I`m not trying to be cheeky here but once you have the actual word written on every single item you`re selling, wouldn`t it make sense just to copy it? 
Ach, well, sometimes maybe even common sense must take a day off. But not me, oh no! This morning I finished my seventh teddy square, so that`s almost half of my blanket done - now I think I`ll take a break from the teddies and knit some hats before I run out of time for this charity thing... But knitting is only for the evenings when I can hardly see any more: for now, back to Abi`s stitching for Collection (some more teacups, would you have believed it?). Cheerio!


  1. These do look complicated! Wow, congratulations! As soon as I saw the pics, I thought, "These took a long time to stitch, and multiple colors, and... a lot of work!" "Simple" indeed.. Like Chatelaine gardens.
    I myself am racing against the clock with my orders, so have not been here to post or to comment... It is nice to see you back, and good luck with the teacups! :)

  2. Thanks, Katya - it`s such a relief they`re done, I can`t tell you! Ever since I`ve started to do commission work, this was the first project where I thought, "I don`t suppose I`ll ever finish this!", you know, it just went on and on and on... a bit like me, lol! But a) it gave me a great sense of achievement to actually finish them and b) it made me realise how lucky I`ve been with all my projects so far.
    Can`t wait to hear the details of what you`ve been up to lately - and now I`m off to share a few more photos of the stuff I finished today :))
