Saturday, 20 July 2019

latest publications

Another quick post because we only got back last night from holiday and am currently wading my way through a pile of laundry, but there are a couple of new magazines that have come out while we were away.
First up, issue 284 of The World of Cross Stitching and the set of 6 Maria Diaz cards that sample ladies` fashion through the decades:

And here they are made up with complementing card colours:

Next up is issue 347 of Cross Stitcher, and the cover star is the Susan Bates sea view that I stitched a couple of months ago.

It took 52 hours to finish and if I remember correctly, almost 10 of those hours were spent just on the backstitch (there are loooooads of tiny windows there! ๐Ÿ˜‚) but it was all worth it because the backstitch really makes this piece pop. For this project, I also made a record of not just the hours but the number of days too (sometimes it feels like I stitch all day but it turns out, it`s about 5 hours per day on average).

Finally, I came across this sneak peek on The World of Cross Stitching`s Facebook page of Amanda Gregory`s highland cows that I stitched a few months ago. I hope I can add the link here but if no, they`ll soon feature here anyway when the new issue of the magazine comes out. Now, back to dealing with the laundry - happy stitching, folks! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Cross Stitch Crazy 258

This morning, I received my copy of the latest Crazy and not only did the wee bag tag by Emma Congdon come with it as a free gift...

... but I also got a lovely surprise: my own little blog, the very same you`re reading just now, is mentioned on p. 77! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ For some reason, I even got a stitchy nom de plume that made me giggle...

... not because there`s anything funny about the name Louise per se, I just found it hilarious right after the statement, `especially when we know the person!` ๐Ÿ˜‚
But this was only the first excitement of the day; the second came this afternoon, when I finished page 8 of the Monarch of the Glen chart, yasssss! There are only (?!?) 4 pages to go across the top, and I`ve already started on the sky in the top right corner. I have 1 more day to work on it, then we`re off on our summer holiday. By the time we come back, I`ll have about 2 weeks to finish the whole picture before hubby`s birthday... um, is it time to panic yet? ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคฃ I wish you all a lovely summer and happy stitching! ๐Ÿ˜Š