Tuesday, 12 March 2013

knitted hedgehog

I have realised something today: hedgehogs are like buses. You don`t see any for ages, then two come along at once. After the Ed Hedgehog I stitched the other week, I couldn`t resist knitting this little critter when I saw the pattern here

How sweet is that nose? And the ears? I just love it! Needless to say, Gregory has already claimed it - oh, I almost forgot to mention: he`s home again, this time with a sore ear but luckily the Nurofen is already kicking in, so he feels well enough to watch endless episodes of Garfield (yes, you guessed it, I have to either knit or crochet him one...) and demand `healing` biscuits (???) on a regular basis.
If my updates are a bit less frequent in the next few weeks, it is because model stitching jobs are like buses too: at the moment, I`m working on some Angela Poole cards for Cross Stitch Collection and this morning I got my next assignment for Cross Stitch Gold, a mammoth mandala-type design by Durene Jones, it`s going to be gorgeous, a 180x180 circular cushion cover. Can`t wait to start but first I wanted to finish this hedgehog, plus I`ve got a reindeer to make (have I told you I`ve enrolled in a free Craftsy class? I have 2 days left to learn a bit more about crocheting). I have finished the two Mothers` Day cards for my Mum and Gran - I can`t show you the photos yet but they were WOCS freebies, both from the Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady series. Oh, and talking about magazines: on Saturday I picked up about 25 issues of Cross Stitcher from a charity shop for the hefty sum of £2 - yay! So if I have a spare minute (haha!), I have those to go through too. Hope y`all are busy doing your favourite things too, happy stitching!


  1. Nagyon édes lett ez a sünike :)

    1. Koszonom, ugye, milyen tunderi? Es elfer az ember tenyereben... bar az igazat megvallva megszenvedtem kicsit vele - igy ranezesre nem is hinne az ember, milyen kacifantos mintat kell kovetni hozza! Vagy csak en nem vagyok meg annyira jartas a "dpn, m1r, m1l", stb. huncutsagokban...? :))

  2. "Healing" biscuits?))) Lovely. My girls ask for chocolate chip cookies when they need 'healing." ))
    You are busy, busy - mom, cross stitch, crochet... Jack of all Trades! Keep it up - but don't forget to take a break once in a while.
    I am thinking of writing my own post for a change, but I have been so busy with stitching orders... Well, you know how it is.
    Cute and soft hedgehog. Can't wait to see you Garfield. :) Have a good one!

    1. After yesterday, it`s a medically proven FACT that for earaches the best cure is (drum roll): the milk chocolate coated digestive! It worked miracles cause G. went to school today!
      Yes, do give us an update, what are you working on these days? Are you making biscornus for your Etsy shop or have you started model stitching too? And how`s the course coming along? Maybe you`ve finished it already...?
      Luckily for me, the only pattern I could find (a crochet one, there`s simply nothing knitted) is of a Garfield lying flat on his tummy and G. doesn`t like it, so I`m off the hook (literally!). But check this one out!
      What a pity there`s no pattern with these!!!
